I'm sure it was wonderful - just wish it had been recorded for those of us who couldn't tune in!

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We’ve got the recordings! Cliff streamed so long and drew so many viewers that we ran into some technical hiccups with Substack. But don’t worryβ€”we’ll be rolling out the videos over the next few days. Stay tuned!

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Fabulous - I hated missing Heather Cox Richardson, for example!

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Thanks so much.. lots of great stuff in this one!

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Yes, would love to see a recording of this amazing livestream, because we in SE Minnesota were out protesting in the streets in Rochester, MN about the lack of a Town Hall by our Republican Congressman & to protest treasonous Trump, Musk & his Cabinet's harm to We the People & our democracy! https://www.facebook.com/janette.dean.98/posts/pfbid02wABbJngtBwJiXwfdgaPcTFzHKV1cxLksiAJEwUGwnBZshSw3yFitbp1B2ac6JP78l

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I watched part of it live. You had great guests

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Thank you! Key to a good livestream, get some stellar folks to join πŸ˜‰

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🎢 There’s somethin’ happenin’ here . . . 🎢

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Wow totally awesome. Or as they said when we didn’t have any grey In our hair😁truedat!!

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It was amazing!! Please do another live stream when you can. It helps unite us!!

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You are doing the work and leading the way!

thank you

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Was there for the morning half!

Congrats!!! It was awesomeπŸ₯³πŸ₯³πŸ₯³

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A century ago, a German sociologist explained precisely how Donald Trump thinks about the world, @jon_rauch writes. Understanding this view is essential to defeating it. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2025/02/corruption-trump-administration/681794/?gift=4dTfJpaWKAxPRgFrKJwrAJ-Vynm9u7AcdT7Ukld6NSo&utm_source=email&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=social. And here is a way to deal with Trump once and for all. Because his entire administration from top to bottom are (1) INCOMPETENT and (2) CORRUPT. Everyone everywhere who is fed up with this assault on all of us, as it it worse every day, need to act everywhere all the time in America. Via Show and Tell with real people, with real lives, that are being affected by this assault on all Americans. And never ever let up. Especially in red and rural areas full of Trump supporters because the hurt and pain is now washing over them. Do not let up ever. Keep hammering away all the time everywhere...........

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Seriously dude, 82000? Drop in the bucket.

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Watched various segments and enjoyed the commentary. Keep fighting for GOOD!

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Phone Interference stopping calls

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